
Waterloo Park Hotel

Austin, Texas

The Waterloo Park Hotel will be a 27 story, 382-key upscale, boutique hotel development located in Austin, Texas. The hotel sits on an approximately one-half acre site on the northeast corner of Red River Street and 12th street in conjunction with a fully-executed 99 year ground lease. The hotels vertical design will include multiple levels of hotel atop a two and a half level above-grade parking podium. The podium is being designed so that one of the levels may be re-purposed in future for amenity or office space. The lobby experience begins on the 7th floor Sky Lobby, providing sweeping views of the capitol building and access to an outdoor terrace. An infinity pool on the 26th level will compliment a lower cantilevered lounge area. The hotel will feature multiple culinary venues and bars, a banquet hall, cocktail lounges, fitness facilities, a business center, and multiple high-end amenities.

Project Information

Austin, Texas
Completion Date
27 Stories, 382 Keys
Architecture, Interior Design, 8080
Highrise, Curtain Wall
Lounge, Guestrooms, Pool, Conference, Ballroom, Fitness, Lobby, Grab and Go, Meeting Room, Restaurant

BOKA Powell Credits

R. Andrew Bennett
Architecture Design Team
Eric Van Hyfte, Danielle Smyth, Mike Smith, Ysabella Licciardi, Sania Shifferd, Miren Urena, Leonardo Caballero, Maxwell Straus, Tom Marsden, Andrew Miller, Chloe Malek, Caim Navarro, Branden Adams, Yusra Alhuraibi, Dan Gruber, Salvador Garcia, Michael Peterson, Daniel Inda, Franco Palomo
Interior Design Team
Kaky Gowan, Madeline Maguire, Madelyn Crowl, Yusra Alhuraibi, Abe Gutierrez, Alex Sipes, Mark Polzin, Tom Marsden, Megan Linquest, Michael Crosby, Afia Afrin, Melanie Hanna, Scott Case, Dan Doyle

External Credits

MEP Engineer
Blum Consulting Engineers
Structural Engineer
Landscape Architect
Sam Tell Co.
Lighting Design
Lang Lighting Design
Low Voltage
Energy Modeling
ACR Engineering
Building Envelope Consultant
Acton Partners
Acoustical Consultant
Saunders & Associates